Running Construct 2 Games in Android Studio

Construct 2 Games in Android Studio   Construct 2 is a cool game engine, which lets you create a html5 game with drop and down editor and visual coding. But exporting your game to android and ios version can be very tricky and at times very frustration (bugs, crash, back screen, etc) you need to use third-party Services like and intel xdk to convert your html5 games into mobile app ie apk and IPA . which you can then published to App store. both those service works great and speed up the game performance, but upload testing and build can take lots of times You can create app file within your and own computer with the use of Cordova commandline to set up you need to install node and latest java. after setting up open your command prompt and install Cordova by typing npm install -g Cordova.   2019 02 12 2 create your project by typing project name bundle id and app name cordova create Santa com.mobilezdeveloper.santa SantaRun 2019 02 12 3 go into your project and add platform (android , ios, window , etc) Cordova platform add android   2019 02 12 4 open android studio and import your project 2019 02 12 5 click ok to use Gradle wrapper 2019 02 12 6 go to construct 2 > export > Cordova open your exported file, copy all the file and paste in the www folder of your project and can test your project. 2019 02 12 7  


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